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Yoga is designed to develop the whole individual, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When one hears the term yoga, many think of physical flexibility or physical exercise. This is only one element of the science of yoga. This element the physical poses, most commonly referred to as hatha yoga facilitate the real practice of understanding the mind. According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda, the word yoga refers to raja yoga, which is the study of the mind.  Of the many facets of yoga this studio is primarily concerned with Hatha, restorative and meditative yoga. In DR. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease ,1992 Ballantine, studies show heart disease can be reversed with yoga, meditation, group support and diet.  I am proud to say that Dr. Ornish and myself , along with countless others, study with the same great yogi, Sri Swami Satchidananda. Yoga is a life changer,Yoga is for everyone.
Emitt Brown said" If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything". Imagine doing two or three times your normal work load in the same time frame. With a focused mind it is possible. 
HATHA YOGA- physical development through poses, relaxation, diet and breathing exercises


Current price: $10 per class, children 15yrs and under $5 per class

10 & 20 class cards available at a discount

*Call for team rates

RESTORATIVE YOGA-poses in which the body is completely supported by props. Props, Blankets, pillows, bolsters and blocks,
allowing the mind and body to feel safe, relax and release into deeper relaxation while holding the poses for longer length of time


Current price: $14 per class

10 & 20 class cards available at a discount

MEDITATIVE YOGA-   Building internal strength and promoting relaxation by quieting the mind from the distraction of daily life
Currently Mon-Wed and Fridays at 4:30pm


Current price: $10 class 

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